Race day in one week
It still feels strange, the first race of the season is already around the corner and it is only March. After so many deferrals the past two years, I didn’ t expect to sign up for a race without getting a deferral. But here we are, after a decent offseason, it is just one more week till Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote.
Am I ready? The first race of the season always feels a bit tricky. I haven't been able to swim in the open water this year and I only did one ride outside so far.

Nevertheless, my indoortraining on the bike and my running looks very promising. According to my coach (www.ferrumendurance.com), my cycling and running shape is better than ever. My building block in January and February was bigger than ever and my body was adapting super well to it. I was nailing my zones without a lot of struggles.Swimming still feels super slow despite all the effort I did in the winterperiod. I usually swim better in a race and in open water, so I am keeping that in my mind. Taking these factors into account, I think I am ready. Ready for a nice training towards the Ironman World Championships on the 7th of May.
As my season is very long and demanding, Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote is not my main goal and therefore I will approach it as a trainingsrace and as chance to test my nutrition. Let's see how it will all play out. Curious how my race calendar looks? Take a look at it Here!

During the offseason I also have been busy with sponsoring and promoting myself. As my goal is to race as a pro, I believe creating a strong brand will help me reach that goal. I am happy to announce that I signed some nice partnerships for this year. Together we will try to promote a healthy lifestyle for employees and a healthy lifestyle in general. My goal with these partnerships is to inspire people to chase their dreams. I will continue my journey with the support of the following companies:
Their support is really important to me as it helps me being competitive. I still dream that one day I will race as a pro. Having the believe and support of these companies makes me proud and helps me get one step closer to my dream.
I will be racing with their logo's on my trisuit this season. I'm grateful that I get to represent these companies. My new tri suit will arrive in two to three weeks and I can't wait to wear it. Aren't you excited as well? Stay tuned for the reveal!
Taper time
This weekend I am doing my final long ride and long run, a bit shorter than usual to get rid of all the fatigue, before heading to Lanzarote on Tuesday. I am super excited to race with my friends and to even have my parents come with me for support. As it is my birthday on Monday and we all had a tough year, I feel grateful that this is possible again. I love sharing my journey with the people I love most. Whatever the result will be, I am already excited and it will be a nice day anyhow!

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